Tailored Holistic Therapy.
Luka takes an integrative approach to your care. The following therapies are offered in an integrated and blended manner, to meet your needs and optimise the benefits of your session. You can choose to work as deeply as you wish; whether that is purely deep tissue massage to relieve aches and pains, work with injuries or restore nervous system regulation; or subtle energy work to balance the electromagnetic field, energy centres and 5 elements; or with a focus on transformative somatic bodywork therapy to unravel and bring deep presence and healing to wounded parts, unresolved trauma and the nervous system.
Somatic Therapy
Somatic Bodywork Therapy is a trauma sensitive holistic approach to bodywork that is rooted within the field of Body Psychotherapy. It offers so much more than just a great massage. It is all about grounded embodied therapy with a focus on sensation, empathic presence, nervous system regulation, gentle release and opening up more space within. It's about body processing, rather than cognative processing alone. It works on a very deep level to resolve emotional and psychological imprints and trauma that have been held within the body's tissues and organs. It recognises and actively works with the powerful connection between the psychological, emotional, spiritual, ancestral, collective and physical aspects of being. It involves working intuitively, sensitively responding with a variety of suitable therapeutic approaches that are tailored to each persons unique requirements.
By skillfully working through the body with the conscious and unconscious aspects of self, patterning and conditioning; with parts of the self such as inner children or the stuff that can get in the way such as shame, guilt, grief, abandonment etc, or intergenerationally transmitted wounding; the Somatic Bodywork approach supports the optimal effectiveness of each session by creating a powerful and safe space in which gentle release, deep resolve and profound transformation can occur on all levels. By working somatically, it is possible for the whole person to gently and safely 'off load' and reach a state of integration and resolve that is beyond that which talking therapy alone is able to achieve.
Over the years, this work has supported transformation and greater resolve for very many clients. The results have included a more vibrant state of health, a clearer state of mind and a more harmonious and regulated state of embodied being for the client. They have reported an enhanced quality of life and relationships, along with greater opportunities to explore, experience and express their full authentic potential.
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Deep Tissue Massage.
Listening carefully to the body and reading the signs it offers to help it unwind, let go and move back into alignment, whilst working with a gentle sensitivity as deeply as you and your body can comfortably allow. The soft tissues are soothed and manipulated using a variety of tailored stokes and techniques appropriate to your needs. This brings about deep release in the muscle structures and the fascia, so making more space for toxins to be flushed out via the lymphatic system, nutients to travel via the blood supply into the soft tissues to support tissue repair and renewal, and for the spine, pelvis and the rest of the skeleton to gently and naturally move back into alignment. So promoting greater freedom of movement, improved posture, pain reduction, a regulated nervous system and an all round sense of ease radiance and wellbeing.
These techniques include, Deep tissue, Holistic, Swedish, Ayurvedic, Intuitive, Acupressure and Indian Head Massage. Deep tissue massage, incorportating therapeutic essential oils, is a wonderful and effective way to work with physical issues and injuries such as back, neck, shoulder pain or other health conditions such as chronic fatigue, digestive issues, headaches etc, to unlock deeply held muscle and fascia tension and restriction and to stimulate detoxification and tissue renewal.
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Psychic Massage.
Psychic massage is a healing technique that combines massage with psychic awareness to balance a person's psycholgical and emotional state to bring about deep resolve and inner peace, allowing you to move forward in your life. It may involve inner child work, ancestral work, trauma and grief work, five element work, working with energetic blockages or restrictions and may even include work with dear ones who have passed over, in order to support release for both parties. This style of bodywork can be extremely transformative, restorative and revitalising. Luka is highly energy sensitive and perceptive of that which is stored within the body, bringing profound empathy, insight, awareness and presence as she works with whatever shows up during the session.
Clinical Aromatherapy.
Utilising a deep understanding of the therapeutic properties of a wide range of medicinal plant oils alongside intuitive guidance. Several pure, high quality, therapeutic grade essential oils are carefully blended in an unrefined plant based carrier oil, to create a powerful synergistic blend to suit your personal unique requirements. These are then applied to the body during the massage, whereupon, the tiny molecules of the volatile oils are absorbed through the skin directly into the soft tissues, bloodstream, lymphatic system and nervous system. Aromatherapy is used in every session (unless it is contraindicated or you prefer I use only the base oil) The oils help to anchor the work and the therapeutic effects of the oils continue to work on the body long after the session has finished. It is therefore advised to avoid bathing until at least the following day.
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Polarity Therapy.
A profoundly powerful holistic healing system developed by Dr Stone, which has it's roots in Ayurveda. Working with the five elements of ether, air, fire, water and earth, and their pathways through the body using different intensities of touch, off-the body-energy work and physical exercises to release, rebalance and harmonise the elemental energies within the body.
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An ancient technique of applying pressure to 'work' specific points on the feet and/or hands that correspond with particular organs and parts of the body. Reflexology can be given as a stand alone therapy or integrated into a session to help support and intensify the work carried out on other areas of the body.
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A profoundly relaxing and soothing mode of body focussed therapy that incorporates rhythmic rocking, pulsing and gentle shaking movements to bring about deep relaxation and release. It is of particular benefit in working with deeply held trauma, emotional tension and stress within the tissues of the body.
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Reiki and Energy work.
Universal life force energy/light energy/chi is channeled and directed as guided to where it is needed, to help clear energetic blockages, rebalance the system and support healing at a cellular and energetic level. This sensitive work often brings with it a powerful sense of nurturing, deep relaxation, reconnection and release.
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Myofascial release.
Is a safe and very effective hands-on technique that involves applying gentle sustained pressure into the Myofascial connective tissue restrictions to eliminate pain and restore motion.
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Simple yet often quite profound. Conscious breathing is used to help deepen relaxation and promote 'let go', thereby assisting and supporting gentle physical, psychological, emotional and energetic release, healing and wellbeing.
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Talking Therapy
There is always the space available within the session for talking therapy to naturally arise. Sometimes this can happen as a result of something that you have consciously brought to the session to work with intentionally, sometimes it just spontaneously happens during the session as the body releases cell memories, emotions, trauma, armouring etc. and sometimes there is just a deep healing restfulness in the delicious pure silence of being.